Our Portfolios of Strategies make it possible to stay 100% invested
Higher Returns with Less Risk.
The OmniVest Approach.
Strategy Diversification
The beauty of OmniVest is you are never locked into a single Strategy. Subscribers can review all the Strategies running in the platform and select any one they want, at any time.
Risk Reduction
The more positions you have, the less capital you are risking on any one. OmniVest trades many Strategies at the same time using a Portfolio of Strategies, selecting Signals on different Stocks and ETFs from each one. Diversification works.
Staying Invested
It's almost impossible for individual investors to stay invested because of the research required. OmniVest does the work for you. It automatically selects the best Signals every day from our best Strategies, maintaining the level of investment and risk that you choose.
Cost Effective
Several subscription levels are available in OmniVest. The level you choose will depend on the size of your Account(s) and how diversified you want to be.
Strategy Showcase: Highly-acclaimed NSP-41 - 10 Years of Profits!
Over 25 years at Nirvana Systems, we have engaged in the relentless pursuit of automated Trading Systems that have steady, reliable performance in all market conditions. OmniVest is the outcome of this research. It’s a new kind of technology that is destined to change the way investors approach the market.