OmniVest Supported Brokers

OmniVest can be used with any broker. Once your trades have been posted to the website, simply enter the orders with your broker. We also offer 100% automation using our Trade Processor and Supported Brokers.

Get Total Automation with the Trade Processor

Trade ProcessorThe Trade Processor offers an automated trading solution for OmniVest. You can easily configure the Trade Processor to trade your account with one of our Supported Brokers.

Currently, the following brokers are supported for automated trading using the Trade Processor:

Supported Brokers Commissions Account Minimums
gxTrader $0.005/Share
Minimum: $1.00
Maximum:  None
MB Trading $4.95/Trade
Minimum: $4.95
Maximum: $4.95
Interactive Brokers $0.005/Share
Minimum: $1.00
Maximum: .5% of Trade Value

We support these brokers in the Trade Processor because they encourage third party integration and offer the lowest commissions. Here is a comparison between our Supported Brokers and the “mainstream” brokers:

Commission Schedule*

Broker Per Share Minimum Maximum 100 Shares
GXTrader $.005 $1.00 NA $1.00
Interactive Brokers $.005 $1.00 NA^ $1.00
MBTrading NA $4.95 $4.95 $4.95
Trade Monster NA $7.50 $7.50 $7.50
E*Trade NA $7.99! $9.99 $7.99!
Schwab NA $8.95 $8.95 $8.95
OptionsXpress NA $9.95 $9.95 $9.95
TD AmeriTrade NA $9.99 $9.99 $9.99
TradeStation NA $9.99 $9.99 $9.99

*Broker Survey conducted February 1, 2013
^ Interactive Brokers charges a maximum of 0.5% of Trade Value.
! E*Trade minimum is based on 50+ trades per month